Tuesday, 29 August 2017


First time growing Sweetcorn this year and WOW its amazing! Food from a little seed with just some dirt,water,sun and a little love.

I planted 30 seeds which 25 germinated,Leigh accidentally chopped one down when he was trimming the grass so we now have 24 really healthy looking plants.
I have spent time each dry morning pollenating them once they grew the tassels and silks, so hopefully they will be full of kernels with no large gaps.
Each slik thread is a little corn kernel so its important to help with the pollination rather than totally rely on the wind.Sweetcorn is wind pollenated so no benefit to the bees sadly but it has amused me to get out there and pollenate.The spiders love hiding in there, those funny looking ones with the large ball shaped bodies and massive long legs.Luckily spiders don't bother me but I do hate it when I find an Earwig,cant stand those things and will happily stamp on them,Ewwww

A few photos at different stages, sadly I didn't take any photos when they were really small.

Growing stronger by the day

Complete with tassels and silks

Silks waiting to be pollenated 

Close up of the silks

                                                       Ripening ear of corn

Hoping to harvest a couple in the next few weeks,I'm glad they have grown at different rates as I can lengthen the harvest time without having to freeze a load in one go.
This is something we will definitely be doing again and possibly twice the amount.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Must Remember!

I keep forgetting about the blog and I need to get my finger out and upload some photos to add to some posts I have in draft.
I just get side tracked and when I do finally remember about it the kids usually want something so the laptop gets closed. Just like its going to happen now!

I will be more reliable at Blogging,I will be more reliable at Blogging,trying to convince myself here 😁