Saturday, 7 October 2017

Bargain of the week!

This weeks bargain is 7 bottles of this lovely shampoo for £1.40! Thats right your maths is correct they work out at 20p each. I have seen them in Asda selling for £4 and home bargains for £3.49,I got these off the reduced items end of aisle shelf in Asda.There was only these 7 bottles so yeah I was greedy and took them all, no fucks given!

It's a really good shampoo and smells lovely, it is for blonde hair which I don't have but I have two blondes and two gingers what will use it.It has those illuminating thingies in it what make your blonde hairs more vibrant, cant say I've noticed any difference in the kids hair after two washes with it.My hair is dyed due to the dreaded Grey hairs so I reckon this would fade and strip the dye out much quicker than just my regular shampoo.I only use 28 wash out hair dyes, so I'll only have to buy shampoo for my usage over the next few months.Hurrah!

It's always worth checking out the sin bin/bargain basement/reduced shelf for a good bargain, its not all dented tins and taped up washing powder boxes.


Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Sweetcorn Harvest!

Wow! I was totally amazed by how well the sweetcorn turn out,I was expecting maybe two full cobs and not a great deal of anything else.They were planted out late in the planting season so that was the biggest mistake I made,I'm positive that if they had been started off and planted out a month earlier I would of have even more success but what I did harvest was fantastic.

So next year I shall be doubling the amount of seeds started and a lot earlier, will also need to prep the area of the garden where I will be planting. I can use the same space I used this year and just extend it as sweetcorn is a crop where you don't have to be so concerned about crop rotation. I have already bought my sweetcorn seeds from Wilkinsons in the sale, there is 3 varieties which I cannot remember and I'm too lazy to get off the sofa and have a look.I'm not concerned about cross pollination so there will be no need to mess about covering the individual tassels with a paper bag.

Harvested cobs fresh from the plant, complete with a few spiders and earwigs!

Husks removed,those are some delicious yummy kernels!

S and N ate a couple of cobs raw which were only partly pollinated and didn't have many kernels on them, they couldn't wait to chop on them.Didn't even rinse them under the tap,soon as the husks were peeled off they devoured them.They are super sweet and fresh completely different to what I've had from the supermarkets.All the cobs have now been washed, bagged and in the freezer ready for use.

Roll on next year for hopefully a bumper crop.
