Friday, 18 May 2018

Seed update!

Seeds are still being sown and the originals ones have really come on in leaps and bounds, we have 4 green courgettes and 2 yellow ones which is more than enough to keep us going for the year.I foresee courgette cakes and sausage stuffed courgette boats, whole heaps of yummy delights to make with them. Those are planted and have cloches for added protection, will remove those in a week or two.

We have 65 Sweetcorn plants planted, originally sowed 81 kernels so not too shabby a result,last year we only had I think 24 plants so we should get a decent crop this year.

The sprouts have germinated well but yet to be planted out, possible job for tomorrow? Hopefully we'll have enough sprouts to last us through the autumn/winter months. I may consider popping a few more seeds in when planting out those seedlings.

Radish seeds and Beetroot seedlings are planted out so hoping those come good, will find out shortly. I will be planting more of those seeds out in a week or so we have an ongoing supply.

I need dig the patch where the Chard is going to go and sow the seeds directly into the ground. We have left it a bit late this year but being in the North East the last threat of frost isn't until the middle of May so we tend to have quite a short growing season compared to down south. We will be doing the No Dig method in Autumn ready for next year so beds are ready to plant into and its a lot less stress on the back.

We should be getting our Chickens within the next two weeks, Run and Coop will be all sorted by next weekend then its just the last little bits go get before we get the chucks! So excited more so than the kids.

There is no photos in this post as I can't find the wire for the computer which I need as you cannot upload photos straight from your phone to Blogger like you used too.
Will update with photos shortly.