Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Leigh's home brew

Just take a moment to admire that home brew...........................This is a Pale Ale,Leigh's first attempt at making his own booze and holy crap on a cracker its lovely! He purchased a home brewing kit off Ebay what has the fancy clear brewing bucket and other crap I have no idea about even though he's told me plenty of times.
This particular brew was a kit from Wilkinsons for the grand price of £12,kit had everything needed to make 40 pints,40 pints of Pale Ale for £12! Unbelievable and it only takes 21 days to do whatever home brew stuff does, ferment and shit? I do say shit a lot,mainly it means things and stuff.

Anyhow the taste is the important thing, years ago I can remember drinking home brew and it either tasted what I imagine cat piss to taste like or it was so nasty and strong you couldn't bare more than a sip and a smile as not to offend the maker but damn that stuff was crap.
These days its smooth and glorious and a pleasure to drink,I personally don't really like Lager I'm more of a beer or Spirit drinker on the rare occasion I do have a tipple.

This particular brew tasted like a Lager that was trying really hard to be a beer/ale but just wasn't quite there yet. It was surprisingly nice and for £12 for 40 pints you cant go wrong.L liked it as his first try at home brewing and was impressed as equally I was by his first attempt but he was looking for more a beer than a lager.

He sourced other beer kits which have a higher price tag but WOW these are proper beers,I will have to do another post about which ones he did and his verdict and photos another time as L is at work and I can never remember even what they are called.

But this Wilkinsons IPA home brewing kit for £12 is highly recommended as a cheap taster kit if you fancy having a go at saving yourself a fortune if you like a tipple.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Crappy Christmas and New Year.

Sadly Christmas 2017 was utter shite!

It was full of Vomit and the dreaded Lurgy, S had started feeling poorly the week before Christmas then of course it spread to the rest of us within days. We all had mild cold symptoms but the post nasal drip was rotten, full of snot on the chest, coughing up big mouthfuls of slime. We were literally drained of energy and barely made it out of bed on Christmas morning, everyone just felt like crap.

Then S was trying to open presents whilst puking all over the carpet, not great. I didn't even bother making a Christmas dinner, nobody had an appetite so we managed a slice of chicken and about 3 sprouts each and even that was a struggle.

Over the course of the week we were all having bouts of vomiting,the chesty cough kept setting my Asthma off so I was practically glued to my inhaler.We all just couldn't be arsed to do anything,still not eating properly and only R managed to eat a bit of chocolate.
No chocolate at Christmas is unheard of in our house, possibly unheard of any day of the week actually.

Then New Years Day came round and I took a turn for the worst, my Asthma was out of control and 111 wanted to send me an ambulance, decided L could get me to hospital quicker so off we went.
5 hours and a chest x ray later I came home with Antibiotics for a chest infection.
Those AntiBs didn't really help but and gave me the pukes and squirts so off to the docs after a few days to see if I could change them to something else and was given some Steroids.Those seemed to help more but was only for a 7 day course,I have now been put on a preventative inhaler which has been helping.We are now 3 weeks into January and I still have a chesty cough which occasionally makes me sick also that nasal drip but thats starting to clear.Everyone else has been fine for about 2 weeks jammy beggars,I think mine has lasted so long as I have Asthma and 2 Auto Immune diseases.

I'm on the mend now, possibly 85% better which is pretty good and I have a decent level of energy which I need as the house still needs the chores doing and the family won't feed themselves.
Hopefully by the next few weeks I'll be back to 100% which I need to be so I can plan for the gardens to be prepped  ready for the growing season.

I will try to keep up with this blogging lark but no promises 😀