Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Leigh's home brew

Just take a moment to admire that home brew...........................This is a Pale Ale,Leigh's first attempt at making his own booze and holy crap on a cracker its lovely! He purchased a home brewing kit off Ebay what has the fancy clear brewing bucket and other crap I have no idea about even though he's told me plenty of times.
This particular brew was a kit from Wilkinsons for the grand price of £12,kit had everything needed to make 40 pints,40 pints of Pale Ale for £12! Unbelievable and it only takes 21 days to do whatever home brew stuff does, ferment and shit? I do say shit a lot,mainly it means things and stuff.

Anyhow the taste is the important thing, years ago I can remember drinking home brew and it either tasted what I imagine cat piss to taste like or it was so nasty and strong you couldn't bare more than a sip and a smile as not to offend the maker but damn that stuff was crap.
These days its smooth and glorious and a pleasure to drink,I personally don't really like Lager I'm more of a beer or Spirit drinker on the rare occasion I do have a tipple.

This particular brew tasted like a Lager that was trying really hard to be a beer/ale but just wasn't quite there yet. It was surprisingly nice and for £12 for 40 pints you cant go wrong.L liked it as his first try at home brewing and was impressed as equally I was by his first attempt but he was looking for more a beer than a lager.

He sourced other beer kits which have a higher price tag but WOW these are proper beers,I will have to do another post about which ones he did and his verdict and photos another time as L is at work and I can never remember even what they are called.

But this Wilkinsons IPA home brewing kit for £12 is highly recommended as a cheap taster kit if you fancy having a go at saving yourself a fortune if you like a tipple.

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